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[[preprinted in left margin]]
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[[underlined]] Balance. [[/underlined]]

Cash on hand | 48,212.31

[[underlined]] Freer Estate (Other Provisions). [[/underlined]]

Mr. Freer's bequest to the Institution provides shares of Parke, Davis & Co's stock for specified funds, as follows:-

[[3 column table]]
[[underlined]]Name | Amount | Dividends recvd.[[/underlined]]
Curator Fund | $156,885.50 | $11,323.00
Court & Grounds Fund | $156,885.50 | $11,323.00
Court & Grounds Fund(Maintenance) | 39,233.75 | 2,827.50
Residuary Fund(Incomplete) | $900,000.00 | $35,000.00
 | -------------- | --------------
Total book value @ 90 | $1,253,004.75- | $60.473.50  Total div.
[[/3 column table]]

At the meeting of December 11, 1919, the Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED: That the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution hereby authorizes and directs its Permanent Committee to represent the Board in all matters pertaining to the receipt and installation of all gifts from the late Charles Lang Freer, and in carrying out the provisions of his will, dated May 13, 1918, and of the codicil thereto, dated May 4, 1919, so far as they relate to the Smithsonian Institution.

Your Permanent Committee has exercised the authority placed upon it by the above resolution whenever occasion arose.

[[underlined]] Avery Bequest. [[/underlined]] The total amount of this bequest is now $33,424.80. One piece of improved real estate, situated on East Capitol Street remains unsold. As soon as this is disposed of,the entire bequest will be included in the Consolidated Fund.

[[underlined]] Poore Bequest. [[/underlined]] During the year your Committee, under the authority of the Board's resolution of December 12, 1918, disposed of a few unimproved lots near the City of Lowell, Massachusetts, for a net sum of $176.42. Several pieces of this land remain but will be sold as favorable offers are received. According to the terms of the will of the testator, George W. Poore, this fund must accumulate until it reaches a total of $250,000.00. It now amounts to $34,230.00.

[[underlined]] Virginia Purdy Bacon Bequest. [[/underlined]] This bequest, which will probably total $50,000.00. was given to establish the Walter Rathbone Bacon (Traveling) Scholarship, for the study of the fauna of foreign countries. $45,000.00 have been transferred to the Institution in the form of bonds and preferred stock of excellent value and stability, and $1,000. in interest and dividends have been received since the transfer.

[[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]