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6. Portrait of Miss Ellen Day Hale, by Mrs. M. Lesley Bush-Brown. Gift of Mr. Arthur Hale.
7. Bronze bust of Major General George Owen Squier, Chief Signal Officer, U.S.A., by Moses Wainer Dykaar. Gift of General Squier.
8. Bronze bust of Brigadier General Joseph Wheeler, by William Rodolf O'Donovan. Gift of Henry Clews and Committee of Subscribers.

E. W. Redfield,
Chairman of the Committee.

W. H. Holmes,
Secretary of the Committee.

On motion, the report of the National Gallery of Art Commission was accepted.

The Secretary reported that Mr. Charles A. Platt had resigned from the National Gallery of Art Commission, and that Mr. A. Kingsley Porter had been suggested to fill the vacancy.

On nomination, Mr. Porter was elected a member of the Commission.


The Secretary said that he had already called attention to the financial condition of the Freer Bequest and Funds as detailed in the Permanent Committee's report. The Board was aware that the State of Michigan had levied a State Inheritance Tax against the residuary estate of Mr. Freer. This tax, which was considerably more than Four hundred thousand dollars was also paying a penalty tax, so that the amount was now probably as much as $480,000.

The Executors were anxious to settle the estate and had suggested a plan which would save as much of the residuary portion as possible for the Institution. The following correspondence will explain the method of settlement proposed:

[[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]