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The Secretary added that the rough draft of the bill carrying the appropriations for the Smithsonian Institution was received only this morning from the Clerk of the Committee on Appropriations. The Smithsonian appropriations were formerly carried in the Sundry Civil Bill. Under the new arrangement they will be put in the "Independent Offices Appropriation Bill".

In view of the preceding statements, your Permanent Committee recommends the appointment of a Special Committee to consider the matter, and submits draft of a resolution to this effect:

RESOLVED: That a Special Committee of six members of the Board of Regents be appointed by the Chancellor to consider the proposition of Representative Martin B. Madden, Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations, to include among the regular Congressional appropriations the annual interest on the Smithsonian Fund deposited in the Treasury; and to represent the Board of Regents before such Congressional committee or committees as may have the matter in charge.

After general discussion, on motion the resolution was adopted.

The Chancellor then appointed as the Committee:

Senator Lodge
Senator McCormick
Senator Stanley
Representative Padgett
Representative Greene
Representative Elston


The Secretary said that in the Alternative Budget the appropriation for the National Zoological Park had been taken from among the Smithsonian branches, and has been included among the appropriations for the District of Columbia, for the reason, as stated, that 60 pc. of the Appropriation for the Park is charged against the revenue of the District.

The transferring of this appropriation to the District Bill would not necessarily make any change in the administration of the Park, which, in the Act of Organization, is specifically placed under the direction of the Board of Regents, the
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