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RESOLVED: That the income derived from the property administered by the committee constituted by the preceding resolution be appropriated for the service of the Institution, to be expended by the Secretary under the conditions of the resolution relative to income and expenditure adopted by the Board of Regents. 

The Permanent Committee desires to know if the Board of Regents approve of the acceptance of gifts as provided in the quotations from the letter received by the Chairman. If so, they recommend the passage of the following resolution:

The resolution was submitted and after a general discussion, an amendment thereto was proposed by Mr. Brookings, and the resolution as amended was adopted as follows:

RESOLVED: That the Permanent Committee is hereby authorized and empowered to accept, provided such acceptance, in its judgment, be advantageous to the Institution, gifts or bequests of property, real, personal, or mixed, the income from which shall not be available for the use of the Institution until after the termination of a certain period defined in the gift or bequest, during which period said income shall be paid to some beneficiary named therein; [[underline]] Provided further [[underline]]; that such acceptance shall not involve the Institution in the possibility of financial loss of any kind. 


The Secretary gave a brief history of the work of the late Secretary, S. P. Langley, on the flying-machine problem; the success of the early models; showing the photograph taken by Dr. A. Graham Bell of one of these in actual flight. He spoke also of the construction of the large man-carrying machine, and the accidents which prevented its flight; and of the tests of the original Langley machine, which proved its ability to fly, which were made by Mr. Glenn Curtiss at Hammondsport eight years after Mr. Langley's death. The Secretary stated that he had requested Mr. Curtiss to make the tests, which he had witnessed, and that $2000 of the funds [[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]