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over the center of the sun.

Work on the variation of the sun is being carried on daily, as far as possible, at Mt. Harqua Hala, Arizona, and Mt. Montezuma, Chile. These two stations observe and compute the results entirely independently.

[[underline]] National Zoological Park [[/underline]].

Recent additions to the collections include a pair of Malay, or Saddle-backed Tapirs, a lioness, and a South American shipment of 27 birds, the gift of W. J. La Varre. The Canadian Government has contributed a male yak from the herd at Banff, Alberta, and the Bureau of Animal Industry has transferred to the Park a flock of 9 selected ostriches. A pair of almost-extinct Hawaiian Goose has recently reached the Park. This rare bird has never before been shown in the Zoo collection, and is represented in the National Museum by a single specimen brought back by the United States Exploring Expedition.

A Regal Python from Malay Peninsula was recently received by exchange. It is 25 feet long and probably the largest snake ever brought alive into the United States.

Four Siberian Tiger cubs, born in the Park August 20, are thrifty animals and attract much attention.

The interest of the public continues, as shown by the record of attendance from July 1 to November 30, when 921,175 persons visited the Park. [[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]