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[[underline]] National Gallery of Art [[/underline]].

Recent gifts to the National Gallery include:

A portrait of Ex-President U. S. Grant; by Thomas Le Clear, N.A.; Offered by Mrs. U.S.Grant, Jr., of San Diego,California.

A small primitive painting; of the School of Cimabue; Offered by Mrs. C.W.Rae, of Washington, D.C.; one of a collection gathered by her father, Pickering Dodge, in 1853.

A Portrait of Miss Ellen Day Hale; by Mrs. Margaret L. Bush-Brown; Offered by Mr. Arthur Hale, of Washington, D. C.

All of these are subject to acceptance by the Advisory Committee.

[[underline]] Expeditions [[/underline]].

The field work on Chinese vertebrates, interrupted by the war, has been resumed by Mr. Sowerby.

The explorations in Australia by Mr. Charles M. Hoy, made possible by the generosity of Dr. W. L. Abbott,have been successfully continued.  Three shipments have been received, which include 938 mammals, and many birds, reptiles, fish, mollusks, insects and other invertebrates.  Owing to the rapidity with which the native vertebrate fauna of Australia is disappearing, this work has been of the utmost importance to the National Museum.  Mr. Hoy is returning to the United States.  Acknowledgment is made of the continued generosity of Dr. Abbott who has contributed a total of $29,000. for expeditions in Borneo, Celibes and Australia, and many of the results of his own personal efforts in Haiti and elsewhere. 

Dr. J. M. Aldrich, Associate Curator in the National Museum, has returned from his insect collecting trip to Alaska where he
[[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]