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RESOLVED:  That the Board of Regents have learned with the deepest regret of the sorrow that has come into the life of their esteemed colleague, Judge Gray, and respectfully convey to him this expression of their sincere sympathy in his hour of bereavement.


The Secretary submitted the minutes of the meeting of December 8, 1921, which has been supplied to the Regents both in type-written and printed form.  There being no objection the minutes were declared approved.


The Secretary announced the death, since the last Annual Meeting, of Representative John A. Elston.

On motion of Mr. Johnson, the following resolution was adopted:

WHEREAS:  The Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution having learned of the death, in December, 1921, of the Honorable John A. Elston, a member of the House of Representatives, and a Regent of the Institution since January 9, 1920: Therefore, be it

RESOLVED:  That the Board desire here to record their sorrow at the loss of a colleague whose untimely death terminated a career filled with promise, and whose interest in the affairs of the Institution made him a valued member of the Board.

The Secretary also announced the death of the  Honorable Lemuel P. Padgett, who had been reappointed a Regent by the Speaker of the House of Representatives on January 4, 1922.

On motion of Mr. Greene, the following resolution was adopted:

WHEREAS:  The Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution having learned of the death, on August 2, 1922, of the Honorable Lemuel P. Padgett, a Member of the House of Representatives, and a Regent of the Institution since December 15, 1917:  Therefore be it

RESOLVED:  That the Board here place on record their deep sense of loss at the passing away of their associate, whose career as citizen and statesman was distinguished by lofty purpose and fulfillment, and whose wise counsel in the deliberations of the Board will be  greatly missed.


The Secretary stated that Dr. A. Graham Bell attended the last Annual Meeting of the Board, although not in robust health; that his term as a
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