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[[underlined]] New Building [[/underlined]]

The Secretary spoke of the need of space for the proper installation and exhibit of the Institution's art and history collections, and expressed the hope that a new building would be provided to meet this need. No formal action was asked.


The Secretary stated that since July 1, the date of the annual report, much activity had been manifested in all the departments of work under the Institution. Some of the striking additions to the collections during this period are here mentioned, as well as various lines of research work.

[[underlined]] U. S. National Museum [[/underlined]]

Twenty-one birds from the Azores, West Africa, Timor, and Assam, representing genera (of which there were 6) and species (of which there were 11) new to the Museum. A gift from Mr. B. H. Swales through the Swales fund provided by him for the purchase of birds for the Museum.

The General Evezard collection of mollusks purchased by Mr. John B. Henderson and donated to the Museum. The collection is estimated at from 7,000 to 10,000 specimens, including a number of types. It fills a decided gap in our Indian and South American series, heretofore our two weakest points, and adds materially to our South Sea Island and other fauna, either in the way of new material or in the shape of perfect, exquisite specimens.

Ninety specimens of Hawaiian land shells, including some that are becoming rare, presented by the Honorable Gifford Pinchot of Pennsylvania.

The collections in mechanical technology were increased by the addition of a 12 cylinder Liberty gasoline engine which was used in the Navy flying boat NC-4 in its trans-Atlantic flight in 1919. Transferred from the Navy Department.

A remarkable gilt brass bell from China, used formerly by the Emperor in announcing the harvest. Gift of Col. John Van Rennsselaer Hoff, U. S. A.,
[[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]