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Park Service of the Department of the Interior.

Researches in Indian Music have been prosecuted by Miss Frances Densmore, a line of work that appeals very strongly to a large number of musicians who have signified their appreciation in numerous letters.

The linguistic work has been vigorously pursued by Mr. John F. Harrington and Dr. Truman Michelson; sociological researches by Dr. John R. Swanton and Mr. J. N. B. Hewitt; and Mr. Francis LaFlesche has been engaged in the study of the rituals of the Osage Indians.

An important field work has been prosecuted in Alaska on the totem poles and connected history by Dr. T. T. Waterman, ethnologist, temporarily attached to the Bureau. This work has been especially directed to the conservation of data respecting the village of Kasaan, which has been created a National Monument by the Bureau of Forestry.

The Thirty-Sixth Annual Report and Bulletins 73, 75, and 76 have been published during the past year.

[[underlined]] The Astrophysical Observatory [[/underlined]]

The Astrophysical Observatory did notable work at Mt. Wilson in July, August, and September, on the spectra of the sun and stars. Some discrepancy had appeared between the work of 1920 and the early work of the Observatory prior to 1910 on the distribution of energy in the sun's spectrum as it is outside the atmosphere. It appeared necessary to go over this ground again, as the result is used in every-day work at the two field stations in Chile and Arizona, in computing the solar constant of radiation, so the work was repeated by Messrs. Abbot and Aldrich with as much variety in conditions as was possible. The results of the different experiments were in close accord, and in accord with the work of 1920 so that the new determination is now going into effect in the computations in Arizona and Chile.

At the invitation of Director Hale, of the Mt. Wilson Observatory, Messrs. Abbot and Aldrich employed the great hundred-inch telescope there in connection with the special vacuum bolometer and galvanometer designed and constructed
[[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]