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travels in a year.

Light takes 4 years to come from the nearest star, Alpha Centauri.  Sirius, the brightest star, is 9 light years away, Arcturus 43, but most stars from 1,000 to 10,000 light years away.

The sun's heat, if it could be all utilized, would do a horsepower of work for each 20 square feet here at Washington on sunny days.

The bright star Capella furnishes a horsepower of heat energy on the state of Minnesota. The heat energy of all the stars shining on the whole world amounts to no less than [[underlined]] 250 thousand [[/underlined]] horsepower.

[[underlined]] National Zoological Park. {[/underlined]]

Accessions to the collections since July 1 have been numerous. Of special importance are two Alaska Peninsula bear cubs, a clouded leopard, a red ouakari monkey, and a considerable collection of Australian birds and reptiles. Six great black-backed gulls, long wanted, were captured and presented by the Canadian Government, through Hon. J. B. Harkin.

A pair of muskoxen has been secured in exchange for two of the Siberian tiger cubs reared last year in the park. They were captured last summer in Greenland and taken to Norway, whence they were reshipped to New York. After a quarantine period of two or three weeks they will be sent on to Washington. The muskox is one of the few large North American animals that has never before been exhibited in the National Zoological Park.

The attendance at the National Zoological Park for the first five months of the fiscal year 1923 (from July 1 to December 1, 1922, inclusive) was 1,025,000.  This is an increase of 103,825 over figures for the same period last year, and indicates that for the fourth successive year, the total attendance will exceed two millions. It is estimated that at least 40 per cent of visitors are from out of town.

[[underlined]] National Gallery of Art [[/underlined]]

The National Gallery has received as gifts six items including portraits and paintings, and a cameo-cutter's outfit. The McFadden Collection of British
[[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]