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Masters, 43 examples, have been placed on loan. Mr. Henry Cleveland Perkins has lent the Gallery 14 examples of Old Masters. A special exhibition of American handicraft, under the auspices of the American Federation of Arts, was held from November 1 to 25. The Director of the Gallery has prepared an illustrated lecture which is being sent to any who may desire it, as a means of promoting the development of the Gallery.  * [[underlined]] Freer Gallery of Art [[/underlined]] (See page 562).

[[underlined]] Expeditions [[/underlined]]

CENTRAL CHINA:  Through the generosity of Dr. W. L. Abbott, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Mr. Charles M. Hoy continued his work of collecting for the Museum specimens of the very interesting fauna of Australia. The work was terminated during the winter and Mr. Hoy returned to the United States in May, 1922. The results of this expedition are of expecial value for two reasons: First, the Australian fauna has heretofore been but scantily represented in the Museum, and, second, the remarkable fauna of that continent is rapidly being exterminated through various causes.  The specimens received during the year brings the total up to 1179 mammals, including series of skeletal and embryological material; 928 birds, with 41 additional examples in alcohol, and smaller collections of reptiles, amphibians, insects, marine specimens, etc.

Dr. Abbott's unfailing interest in the national collections is shown by the fact that he has now arranged to send Hoy to China for the purpose of obtaining vertebrates from certain especially important localities in the Yang-tze Valley, a region with which Hoy has been familiar for many years. Preparations for this trip are now under way, and departure for the field will probably take place about December 20th.

Acknowledgement has been made of Dr. Abbott's generosity in financing previous explorations, and it is thought proper to state that up to date he has contributed $31,500.00 for the expeditions to Borneo, Celibes, Australia, and China, in addition to which he has contributed largely from the results of his personal efforts in Haiti and elsewhere.

NORTH CHINA: In the summer of 1921 Mr. R. de C. Sowerby returned to China
[[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]

Transcription Notes:
Kept "Yang-tze" as hyphenated -- even though it seemed to be hyphenated only because the word was split between lines -- because it is clearly written with the hyphen on the next page. We now spell it as one word but they used the hyphen.