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Smithsonian Institution  576

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and to fill vacancies in like manner which may occur from time to time among the said six additional members of said Board. The said additional members may be inhabitants of any State or Territory of the United States or of the District of Columbia.

2. That the executive committee of the said Board of Regents shall hereafter consist of the Chancellor and Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, ex-officio, and five members to be elected by said Board for a term not to exceed three years, but who shall be eligible for re-election.

3. That in case any member of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, except ex-officio members, shall fail to attend three successive regular meetings of said Board, he shall thereupon cease to be a Regent.

The Secretary went on to say that the Board, after discussion, had voted to lay the matter on the table. He wished now to suggest that it be withdrawn from the table, and referred to a committee for consideration and report at the meeting in December next.

Thereupon, Senator Lodge submitted the following resolution, which was adopted:

RESOLVED; That the matter of the increase in the membership of the Board of Regents and of the Executive Committee, be referred to a special committee to be appointed by the Chancellor for consideration and report at the annual meeting of the Board to be held December 13, 1923.


Senator Lodge brought before the Board a letter from Mr. Horace W. Peaslee, Chairman of The Architects Advisory Council, on the subject of a proposed Museum where examples of the best architectural work of past generations could be preserved, and urging that the Smithsonian Institution should provide for such exhibits.

The Secretary said that the matter had already been brought to his attention, but that the lack of funds would preclude any extended arrangement as suggested.

After some discussion, Senator Lodge offered the following resolution, which was adopted:
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