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[[preprinted]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 579 [[/preprinted]] [[preprinted left margin]] MADE BY BAKER-VAWTER CO. [[/preprinted left margin]] Senator Lodge offered the following resolution, which was adopted: RESOLVED; That Chief Justice Taft be elected Chancellor of the Smithsonian Institution. After expressing a word of appreciation, the Chief Justice assumed the chair. NON-ATTENDANCE. The Secretary stated that Senators McCormick and Stanley were unable to be present owing to absence from the city; and that Mr. Choate was prevented from attending by illness in his family. MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 8 MEETING. The Secretary stated that these minutes had been supplied the Regents both in typewritten and printed form, and in the absence of objections, the Chancellor declared them approved as distributed. APPOINTMENT OF REGENT. The Secretary announced that under date of February 26, 1923, the Vice President had reappointed Senator Lodge as a Regent. RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO INCOME AND EXPENDITURE. Judge Gray, Chairman of the Executive Committee, presented the following customary resolution, which on motion was adopted: RESOLVED; That the income of the Institution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1925, be appropriated for the service of the Institution, to be expended by the Secretary with the advice of the Executive Committee, with full discretion on the part of the Secretary as to items.