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[[preprinted]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 614 [[/preprinted]] [[preprinted left margin]] MADE BY BAKER-VAWTER Co. [[/preprinted left margin]] BUILDING FOR ART AND HISTORY. The Secretary spoke of the proposed building for the National Gallery of Art and History, displaying sketch plans of its general outline and its location, stating that it comprehended a building somewhat over 500 feet long by 300 feet deep, with an elevation of about 80 feet. He quoted the act granting the use of the site on B Street north between 7th and 9th Streets, northwest. No formal action was asked. ARCHITECT FOR FINE ARTS AND HISTORY BUILDING. At the annual meeting of the Board on December 13 last, the National Gallery of Art Commission reported that p^[[r]]ovision would be made in the near future for the preparation of building plans for the proposed new building. The National Gallery of Art Commission met recently and a subcommittee reported that the necessary funds for the employment of an architect had been provided by private contributions by 13 persons to the amount of $11,000. After discussion of what was needed in an art building in order to exhibit its contents most effectively and instructively, the Commission canvassed the names of a number of American architects that had been suggested as qualified to prepare the plans for the new building. The result of the vote of the Commission as to the names to be suggested to the Board of Regents was as follows:- First choice - Platt, 10; Gilbert, 1. Second "[[ditto for choice]] - Bacon, 5; Gilbert, 4; Platt, 1; Pope, 1. Third "[[ditto for choice]] - Gilbert, 5; Pope, 3; Bacon, 1. Fourth "[[ditto for choice]] - Pope, 5; Bacon, 2; Gilbert, 1. After discussion, Mr. Charles A. Platt was selected to prepare the plans for the proposed National Gallery of Art Building. It was suggested that a committee be appointed to collaborate with the architect in the preparation of plans for the new building and to report [[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]