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Greece, having been appointed United States Minister to that country.


The minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 14, 1924, had been circulated in typewritten form to the Regents. In the absence of objection, the Chairman declared the minutes approved.


The Secretary brought up the matter of an additional Assistant Secretary, explaining that at the annual meeting, December 13, 1923, the Board of Regents adopted a resolution declaring the need of such an officer, which had been communicated to the President. With the President's approval the Director of the Budget submitted the request to Congress after the Classification Board had put the position in Class 6. The Appropriations Committee fixed the salary at $6000 per annum, and the item was now included in the Independent Offices bill under the Smithsonian Institution.

The Secretary stated that many names had been considered in this connection, and that Dr. Richard Jacob Schramm, of Cornell University, came nearer fulfilling the requirements of the position than any other available person known to him.

After discussion, the Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED; That the Secretary is hereby authorized to offer the position of Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution to Dr. Richard Jacob Schramm; and if accepted by him to make the appointment effective September 1, 1924, or at such date as Dr. Schramm may be able to take up the duties of the office.
[[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]