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"I have carefully read and considered the project which you have above outlined and am strongly of the opinion that the preparation and publication of a series of scientific books prepared under the auspices of the Institution would be a fitting undertaking, and entirely within the scope of the objects for which the Institution was founded. The Institution, as you have pointed out, has already engaged in work of this kind. I see no objections to its legality. Properly worked out, the project should greatly forward the legitimate work of the Institution." 

The matter of this publication was also submitted to the Chancellor who, in a note stating that he is unable to be present at this meeting, adds:

"I was glad to have the conversation with you on the two subjects for which you call the meeting. I agree with you generally in the views which you took in that conversation."

[[underlined]] Tentative Plan of DeVan Series [[/underlined]]

1. Mr. DeVan and his associates undertake to publish and sell by subscription and otherwise a series of volumes on the Smithsonian Institution. 

2. The Smithsonian Institution to be guaranteed against expense in the matter. 

3. Financial arrangement in principle as follows: (a) All subscriptions and sales proceeds secured by DeVan interests to be paid to the Smithsonian Institution as a special fund; (b) Compensation of DeVan and his associates to be paid at contracted rates from this special fund by the Smithsonian Institution; (c) Compensation of authors, editors, and other necessary services to be paid at contracted rates from this fund by the Smithsonian Institution; (d) Balance to go to the unrestricted endowment of the Smithsonian Institution. 

4. The series to comprise 20 volumes.

5. The publication to comprise an edition de luxe and a common edition. 

6. The edition de luxe at about $250 per set.

7. The common edition at about $100 per set.

8. The general title of the series to be agreed upon, perhaps "Smithsonian Achievements."

9. The Editor in chief to be Dr. C. D. Walcott.

10. The Associate Editor to be Dr. C. G. Abbot.

11. Other associate editors to be selected in consultation between the DeVan interests and the Editors in chief and associate.

12. The edition de luxe to be signed by Dr. C. D. Walcott. 

[[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]