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Yours very truly,

(Signed) Tamblyn & Brown

Williams College
Williamstown, Massachusetts.

November 18, 1924.

Office of the President.

Dr. Charles D. Walcott,
Smithsonian Institute,
Washington, D. C.

My dear Walcott:

I have yours of the 15th instant and am glad to recommend Messrs. Tamblyn and Brown of New York.   They performed an excellent service for us and I have been glad to recommend them in response to all inquiries.   Some of our Alumni felt that the employment of any agent was unnecessary but I am satisfied that our campaign would not have been as well organized and successful if we had undertaken to dispense with that kind of service.   My recommendation is on the assumption that Messrs. Tamblyn and Brown are organized as thoroughly and substantially in the same way as they were two years ago.   I was particularly drawn to them by the fact that John Brown, one of the partners, is the son of one of my old classmates, Dr. William Adams Brown, now of Union Theological Seminary.   Both he and his senior partner, Mr. Tamblyn, and indeed all the members of their permanent staff, are college people and agreeable to deal with.   It was like employing a readymade secretariat instead of attempting to assemble such a company and training it for the work.  

With many thanks for your words of congratulation concerning the Institute of Politics and the hope that at some future session you and Mrs. Walcott will find it possible to be with us, I remain

Sincerely yours,

(Signed) H. A. Garfield.

Anson W. Burchard,
120 Broadway, Room 2039,
New York City.

November 18, 1924.

Mr. Charles D. Walcott, 
Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D. C.

Dear Mr. Walcott:

Your favor of November 15 inquiring about the service rendered by Messrs. Tamblyn and Brown of New York in connection with the campaign to raise an endowment fund of $1,000,000 for the Stevens Institute of Technology at Hoboken
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