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The plans for the proposed National Gallery building were then presented by the Secretary and the preliminary plans prepared by Mr. Platt were given consideration.

The desirability of improving the standard of the portraits of personages of national distinction, which in time might be included in the National Portrait Gallery was considered at some length without any definite action being taken.

The very important problem of the inclusion in the prospective Gallery Building of collection both of art and history was given attention and the view prevailed that it would be advantageous, at least for a time, to have the two in the same building but distinctly separated.

Mr. Redfield, Chairman of the Committee on Acceptance of Works of Art, raised the question of the advisability of deciding acceptance of works of art through the medium of correspondence and emphasized the importance of consideration by the committee as a body. After general discussion, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED: That hereafter, in all cases of presentation of works of art for acceptance by the Gallery, a majority of the Advisory Committee be required to personally examine the works before making recommendations. 

The Chairman then announced ^[[the declination of Mr. Joseph Breck, elected in 1923.   He also submitted]] the resignation of Mr. Edwin H. Blashfield as a member of the Commission, and on motion it was voted to transmit the resignation to the Board of Regents with recommendation that it be accepted with regret.   The Chairman then called for nominations of a successor to Mr. Blashfield.   This resulted in the choice of Mr. Edmund C. Tarbell and it was directed that his selection be recommended to the Board of Regents.

It was explained by the Secretary of the Commission that through a misunderstanding Mr. Daniel Chester French's membership on the Commission was vacated at the 1923 meeting of the Commission and a resolution was passed recommending to the Board of Regents the restoration of Mr. French to membership.