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taken place. In the absence of objection, they were declared approved by the Chancellor.


The Secretary announced the following appointments:

Exofficio - March 4, 1925 - Vice President Charles G. Dawes.

By the President of the Senate - March 11, 1925 - Senator Woodbridge N. Ferris, of Michigan, to fill the vacancy caused by the expiration of the term of Senator A. O. Stanley.
By Joint Resolutions of Congress, as citizen Regents for six years - January 7, 1925 - Mr. Robert S. Brookings, and February 26, 1925 - Judge George Gray.


The Secretary reported the death of the Honorable George Gray, which occurred at his home in Wilmington, Delaware, on August 7, 1925, and stated that Judge Gray was first appointed as a Senatorial Regent on December 20, 1892, serving until the expiration of his term on March 3, 1899. He was next appointed as a citizen Regent on January 14, 1901, and served until August 7, 1925. 

Throughout this long service, the last ten years of which he was Chairman of the Executive Committee, Judge Gray was an active supporter of the Institution, always ready to give time and thought to its interests. He was a valued member and counselor of this Board, and will long be missed both personally and officially. 

Doctor Wetmore, Assistant Secretary, represented the Institution at the funeral, and the flags of the several buildings under the charge of the Institution were half-masted until after the obsequies.
