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Mr. Choate offered the following resolutions which were adopted:

WHEREAS; The Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution having learned of the death, on August 7, 1925, of the Honorable George Gray, a member of the Board for over thirty years, the last ten of which her served as Chairman of the Executive Committee; be it therefore
RESOLVED; That the Board here place on record an expression of their profound sorrow at the passing away of their colleague, whose deep interest and wise judgment in the affairs of the Institution, to which he was always ready to devote his great learning and experience, made him a valued co-worker in its behalf, and one whose loss will be keenly felt.
RESOLVED; That while Judge Gray's distinguished career as United States Senator, Jurist, and public-spirited citizen, had won for him a high and secure position on the roll of our country's honored men, it is desired to add a tribute to his personal qualities - his never-failing courtesy and his charm of manner, which endeared him to his colleagues on this Board.
RESOLVED; That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted by the Secretary to the family of our deceased associate, with the respectful sympathy of the Board in the loss they have sustained.


The Secretary stated that at the Annual Meeting held December 10, 1914, the Board had adopted the following resolution:-
RESOLVED; That the Chancellor of the Institution be empowered to fill vacancies occurring in the membership of the Executive Committee between meetings of the Board of Regents, such appointments to continue until the next regular meeting of the Board.

The expiration of Judge Gray's term on January 25, 1925, automatically ended his membership in the Executive Committee, and upon his reappointment the Chancellor, under the authority of the resolution quoted, gave him an ad interim appointment as Chairman of the Committee.

Judge Gray's death, on August 7, 1925, again caused a vacancy in the Committee, and the Chancellor, upon the recommendation of the Permanent Committee, made an ad interim appointment of Mr. Moore as a member. This being the "next regular meeting of the Board" since the appointment, the Board should now take action in the matter.

At a recent meeting of the Executive Committee, Mr. White was elected Chairman.
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