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[[preprinted]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION  668 [[/preprinted]]

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The Commission considered at some length the agencies now engaged in the promotion of the prospective Gallery building, without developing any plan of procedure.  The activities of the American Federation of Arts and the Federation of Women's Clubs in appealing to the American people for support of the Gallery building project were brought to the attention of the Commission by the reading of vigorous resolutions adopted by these organizations in nearly every State of the Union.

The next item of business was the annual election of officers, as provided under the plan establishing the National Gallery of Art Commission.  After discussion, on motion the Secretary was directed to cast the ballot of the Commission for the re-election of the present incumbents - - Mr. Gari Melchers, Chairman, and Mr. W. H. Holmes, Secretary.   The Executive Committee was also re-elected.

The Secretary reported the expiration of the terms as members of the Commission, of the following:  W. K. Bixby, W. H. Holmes, and Herbert L. Pratt.  On motion he was directed to cast the ballot of the Commission recommending to the Board of Regents the re-appointment of these members for the ensuing term of four years.  It was stated that Mr. A. Kingsley Porter, elected to the Commission in 1921, had thus far not attended any meeting of the Commission and that, in accordance with Section 3 of the Plan of Organization of the Commission, his membership automatically terminates.  This provision reads as follows:

"In case any member shall fail to attend three successive stated meetings of the Commission, without satisfactory explanation, said member shall thereupon cease to be a member."

To fill the vacancy thus created, the Commission passed a resolution recommending to the Board of Regents, the appointment of Mr. John Russell Pope, architect.

On motion, the Commission adjourned to meet at two o'clock in the National Gallery, as the Advisory Committee, to consider the offerings of art works for the year, with the results already indicated.

Gari Melchers, Chairman
W. H. Holmes, Secretary.

On motion the report was accepted, and Mr. Johnson submitted the following resolutions which were adopted:

RESOLVED; That the Board of Regents hereby approves the recommendation of the National Gallery of Art Commission that W. K. Bixby, W. H. Holmes, and H. L. Pratt, be re-elected as members of the Commission for the ensuing term of four years, their present terms having expired.

RESOLVED; That the Board also approves the recommendation of the Commission that John Russell Pope, architect, be elected a member of the Commission to fill the vacancy caused by the termination of the appointment of A. Kingsley Porter.


The Secretary stated that at the annual meeting held December 11, 1924, after he had explained his reasons for withdrawing the offer of the Assistant

[[initialed]] CDW [[initialed]]

Transcription Notes:
Arthur Kingsley Porter was in Europe in the first half of the 1920s, so he would not have attended any of the meetings (