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consideration of the available men were so fortunate as to learn of the particular fitness for these duties of Dr. William M. Mann, an entomologist and biologist of the Department of Agriculture.  He is 39 years of age; a university graduate with degrees of A.B. and Sc.D.; he has been on many scientific expeditions for Harvard and Stanford Universities and the U. S. Department of Agriculture and visited nearly all the prominent zoological parks of the world, gaining a wide experience in the collection, transportation and maintenance of wild animals, birds and reptiles.  He met all Civil Service requirements and entered upon his duties on May 13, 1925.


The Secretary brought to the Board's attention the situation affecting the Institution in regard to its estimates and appropriations.

Attached is a detailed comparative statement of the appropriations of the Government activities under the Institution for the current year, 1926, with the preliminary estimates, revised estimates, and the amounts allowed by the Budget Bureau for transmission to Congress in the Budget for 1927, which shows small increases in some appropriations amounting to $11,428, and decreases in others totaling $27,208 or a net deduction in the grand total of $15,780.  While the Budget has made here and there slight increases in some of the appropriations, these increases are much below the amounts requested to cover the actual and imperative needs of the several branches.  The deduction made in the appropriation for the Astrophysical Observatory is the most serious.  Practically the entire cost of the Observatory Station in South America has been borne by Mr. John A. Roebling, who, however, declined to continue its support beyond the first of July, 1925.  Estimates were therefore submitted to the Budget Bureau last year for an additional $10,000 to carry on the work of this Station beginning with that date.   This estimate was not approved by
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