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and Mary Vaux Walcott Research Fund, and become a part thereof, and be treated in the same manner as the original donation to that Fund; 

[[underlined]] Now it is my will [[/underlined]] that the said bequest to the said Smithsonian Institution shall not take effect if the control of the said Smithsonian Institution shall have been placed under any Executive Department or branch of the Federal Government. 

"ITEM II: If at the time of my decease the control of the said Smithsonian Institution shall have been placed under any Executive Department or branch of the Federal Government, I direct that the $50,000.00 mentioned in Item IV of my said last will and testament, or the equivalent in securities, at the discretion of my Executors, be paid to the George Washington University, of Washington, District of Columbia, in trust, nevertheless, to pay the net income therefrom to my daughter, Helen B. Walcott, during her life; on her death the said $50,000.00, or its equivalent in securities, shall become the property of the said University and shall be known as the Charles D. and Mary Vaux Walcott Research Fund, it being my intention to aid in the development of research work in the natural sciences through the activities of post graduate research students under the jurisdiction of the George Washington University, and the publication of the results thereof.

"ITEM III: If at any time after the death of my said daughter, Helen B. Walcott, the control of the said Smithsonian Institution be placed under any Executive Department or branch of the Federal Government, I direct that the said Fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), or the equivalent in securities, mentioned in Item IV of my said last will and testament, both principal and such interest as may have accrued thereon under the terms of the Charles D. and Mary Vaux Walcott Research Fund of said Institution, shall then be paid by the said Smithsonian Institution to the George Washington University, of Washington, District of Columbia, to found the Charles D. and Mary Vaux Walcott Research Fund, and shall be used by said University for the purposes and in the manner provided in Item II hereof".

The Board listened with appreciation to the reading of these extracts, and on motion directed -

That a resolution be prepared for consideration at the next meeting expressing the Board's acceptance of the conditionis and its gratitude at the late Secretary's generosity. 


The Acting Secretary reported that owing to the need for urgency, the Board, by a mail vote, had adopted a resolution accepting the Roebling gift of minerals and the offer of an endowment of $150,000.00 for its maintenance, and had authorized the Acting Secretary to execute, on its behalf, the deed of gift formally conveying the collection and endowment. This had been done, and the endowment, in the form of a check for $150,000.00 had been 

[[initialed]] CGA [[/initialed]]