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respectively, as follows:-

1927 - "For the construction of public exhibition building for birds, $49,000; [[underline]]Provided, [[/underline]] That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized to enter into contract or contracts for the completion of said building in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the regents of the Smithsonian Institution, at a cost not to exceed $102,000".

1928 - "For completing the construction of public exhibition building for birds, $53,000". -

RESOLVED; That the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution hereby authorizes the Secretary or Acting Secretary of the Institution to represent it, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, in all matters pertaining to the contracts and construction of the proposed building for birds at the National Zoological Park; [[underlined]] Provided, [[/underlined]] that the building be carried forward as far as may be under the amount appropriated,$102,000; with a view to applying later to Congress for the sum necessary to complete the building as projected.


The Acting Secretary then gave the following resume of research work and publication now under way or planned:-

[[underlined]] U. S. National Museum [[/underlined]] - The Stirling Expedition to the interior of Dutch New Guinea has returned with a remarkable collection of ethnological material secured from Papuan and Pygmy tribes who have had no previous contact with whites.

Mr. E. P. Killip, Assistant Curator of Plants, at present carrying on botanical work in Colombia, is expected to return early in April with large collections of plants.

Dr. Alexander Wetmore, Assistant Secretary, will leave next week for two months or more in Haiti and Santo Domingo, to secure material for reports on the fauna of that island.

Dr Waldo L. Schmitt, Curator of Marine Invertebrates, will return shortly from the western coast of South America with collections of crustacea and other marine material.

Mr Charles W. Gilmore, Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology, will visit the Grand Canyon in Arizona in June, to continue his studies of fossil footprints in the rocks of the canyon walls.
[[initialed]] CGA [[/initialed]]