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and pamphlets, of which 41 were issued by the Smithsonian proper, 73 by the National Museum, and 3 by the Bureau of American Ethnology.  There were distributed during the year 182,846 copies of Smithsonian publications.

"The outstanding publication since the last meeting of the Regents is a volume of 1200 pages entitled "World Weather Records", assembled and arranged for publication by H. Helm Clayton, and published under a grant from John A. Roebling.  In this volume, which is perhaps the most important publication in the physical sciences issued by the Smithsonian in 25 years, are brought together for the first time, data on rainfall, temperature, and pressure from 387 stations scattered in every region of the world where meteorological observations have been made for long periods of years. 

"Among other publications of the Institution proper, I may mention 'American Silurian Crinoids', by the late Dr. Frank Springer, which forms the concluding memoir of a series on the crinoids by this distinguished scientist, representating the results of his life's scientific work.  The late Secretary Walcott, only ten days before his death, on February 9, 1927, completed a manuscript which has since been published, entitled 'Pre-Devonian sedimentation in Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains'. Two papers were published relating to the work of the Astrophysical Observatory on solar radiation, entitled 'Solar activity and long-period weather changes', by H. Helm Clayton, and 'A group of solar changes', by C.G.Abbot.  The latter paper summarizes the latest evidence of the existence of a real variation in the solar radiation, and of the relation of this variation to sun-spots, ultra violet radiation, intensity of long-distance radio reception, and weather conditions."

Dr.Abbot here called attention to the exhibit of publications issued by the Institution and Museum during the year.

On motion, the report was accepted.

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