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of these works, now numbering upwards of sixty, as it may choose, after the lapse of a certain period. The proposed assemblage is designed to enable the Commission to select such of these works as are worthy of a place in the National Gallery.

On motion of Mr. Adams, it was

RESOLVED;That it is the sense of the meeting that it is desirable to hold such an exhibit of the Ranger pictures.

On motion, it was further

RESOLVED; That it is the sense of the meeting that the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution be invited to ask the Bureau of the Budget for an appropriation of One thousand dollars to meet the expenses of the proposed exhibition of the Ranger pictures referred to.

Distinction in standards of artistic excellence of works designed for the National Gallery proper and those for assignment to the Historical Portrait collections was discussed and a decided impression was manifested that in the past proper standards have not always been adhered to and that in the future, although there may be a distinction between the two Gallery groups, very high standards for the Gallery proper are imperative, as in the past, no such standards having been established, works of somewhat inferior grade were sometimes added.
The Secretary presented the request of the National Press Club of Washington for the loan of Gallery paintings for the embellishment of its reception and dining rooms and principal offices. After discussion, on motion of Mr. Mather, it was

RESOLVED; That it is the policy of the National Gallery of Art not to lend works of art of public ownership to private institutions.

On the motion of Mr. Parmelee, it was

RESOLVED; That Dr. Abbot and Dr. Holmes be appointed a committee by the Chairman to prepare resolutions for the records of the Commission expressing its sense of loss in the death of Dr. Walcott.

The Secretary called attention to the fact that the terms of four members of the Commission expired on the present date, and on motion, it was 
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