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Foundation, which had been represented at the Conference by Dr. Vincent, Dr. Flexner, and others. The Rockefeller Boards are said to be inclined to a favorable action, but withhold positive decision pending the election of a Secretary at the Smithsonian and the announcement of his program.

"The contract with Tamblyn & Brown closes on December 31, and unless funds become available, Mr. Ellingston's services must then be discontinued. This I should greatly regret.

"Looking forward, the need of endowment for salaries, pensions, research and publication becomes more and more acute. So urgent is it that it would indeed be a very great service to the Institution if some of its friend would at this moment come forward with $50,000 for present use, pending the further moves of the campaign for endowment"

[[underlined]] "Smithsonian Scientific Series. [[/underlined]] About a year ago, the Smithsonian Institution entered into a contract with the Smithsonian Institution Series, Incorporated, for the publication of a series of books, to be known as the Smithsonian Scientific Series, and to give to the ordinary intelligent reader a graphic picture of the Institution as it is, and works in which it engages.

"I have to report that the capital fund of $250,000 for this purpose was completely available in November, 1927, as certified by the Lawyers' Trust Company of New York. Manuscripts are now being prepared under the editorship of the Acting Secretary".

[[underlined]] "North American Wild Flower Series. [[/underlined]] Mrs. Mary Vaux Walcott's paintings of wild flowers, which are being reproduced by William E. Rudge, Incorporated,, in the series "North American Wild Flowers", have now gone as far as the completion of the third volume of the series. Sketches for the remaining two volumes are in the hands of the engravers, and progress has been made on the fourth volume.

"Mrs.Walcott has made certain provisions which relieve the Smithsonian Institution of all financial liability in connection with the preparation of this
[[initialed]] CGA [[/initialed]]