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^[[not sent]] [[preprinted]] [[image - drawing of the of "The Castle"]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Washington , U.S.A. UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVTORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART FREER GALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. [[/preprinted]] June, 1933. My dear Senator Reed: By virtue of my authority as Chancellor of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, I take pleasure in appointing you a member of the Permanent Committee of the Board, in succession to Senator Smoot, retired. The other members of the Permanent Committee are Mr. Frederic A. Delano, chairman Senator Joseph T. Robinson Hon. R. Walton Moore Dr. John C. Merriam and the Secretary, Charles G. Abbot The principal duties of the Permanent Committee are to recommend the disposal of the finances of the Smithsonian Institution. Very truly yours, Chancellor. Honorable David A. Reed, United States Senate, Washington, D.C. Regent of the Smithsonian Institution.