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enlargement. In this connection, Judge Alfred Elmer Mills, as an Executor of the [[strikethrough]]w[[/strikethrough]]state, had recently transmitted a form of Release, which he had drawn for the signature of the Chancellor of the Institution, and also a form of Refunding Bond to the executors for $65,134.00, covering the assessed valuation of the collection, the inheritance tax paid by the executors, and $36,232.86, the latter-named being a partial payment on account of the endowment fund of $50,000.

The papers were referred to the Chancellor, who had returned them with the statement that he would prefer not to sign them without the explicit authorization of the Board. The following resolution was therefore submitted for consideration:-

WHEREAS; the late Frederick A. Canfield, of New Jersey, who died July 3,1926, bequeathed to the Smithsonian Institution his large and valuable collection of minerals and meteors under certain specified conditions; and also provided a fund of Fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), the income of which was to be used for additions to, and to increase the usefulness of, the said collection for the advancement of education and learning; and

WHEREAS; the said bequests have been accepted by the Secretary of the Institute under date of July 29, 1926; and

WHEREAS; the executors of the said testator's estate, Alfred Elmer Mills and Edward K. Mills, have delivered the collection, appraised at $25,134.00, and have likewise transmitted Forty thousand dollars ($40,000) of the fund, less taxes, and now request Release for $65,134.00, and a Refunding Bond by which the Smithsonian Institution agrees to refund and pay to the said executors, up to the amount named, its rebatable part of any subsequent proved claims against said estate, for the payment of which there may not be sufficient funds; which Release and Refunding Bond they desire shall be signed by the Chancellor of the Institution; therefore be it

RESOLVED; That the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution hereby authorizes the Chancellor of the Institution, the Honorable William Howard Taft, to execute the said Release and Refunding Bond, and to execute a further Release and Refunding Bond for Ten thousand dollars ($10,000) when the remainder of the bequest is paid to the Institution.

On motion duly made and seconded, the resolution was adopted.


Mr. Delano, Chairman, presented the following report:

To the Board of Regents:

A number of important things have been under consideration by the Executive and Permanent Committees, as to some of which only reports of progress
