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they could turn it over without cost to the Institution.  They point to the fact that twelve cities in Germany now have these planetaria; one was opened in Vienna last summer, one was recently ordered for Rome, and Chicago and New York are considering their erection.  Your Committee is convinced that the Smithsonian has not sufficient ground available for this as well as its other needs, and is studying the question of available ground for the Institution's future growth.  It already seems apparent that some of the ground ^south of the Institution, and between B and C Streets, will some day have to be acquired for the future needs of the Institution, and it is hoped that before another meeting of the Board some definite recommendation can be submitted.

4. (a) Your committee can report progress in the matter of the Smithsonian Scientific Series. The parties who formed the Smithsonian Scientific Series, Inc., have raised the necessary capital fund of $250,000, and are now ready to receive manuscripts.  Dr. Abbot reports to your Committee that several of these manuscripts are now in hand, and that he, with the aid of Mr. Ellingston, is putting them in shape for publication.

(b) The publication of the North American Wild Flower Series, being reproductions of the flowers painted by Mrs. Mary Vaux Walcott, is now moving forward very satisfactorily.  Three volumes have been published and two more are arranged for, Mrs. Walcott having herself financed the completion of these series.  As the money comes in from subscriptions, Mrs. Walcott will be in part reimbursed for her very large outlay.

5. The Institution has received from Honorable T.V.O'Connor, Chairman of the U.S.Shipping Board, and Admiral W.L.Rogers of the U.S.Navy, and President of the Naval Historical Foundation, a request that the Institution undertake to provide for the display of maritime exhibits, which shall include not only naval historical material, but other maritime material.  The gentlemen think it would be quite proper to include this material with that having to do with transportation on land and in the air, and your Committee is considering this


Transcription Notes:
As it turns out, "the ground south of the Institution, and between B [now Independence Ave] and C Streets" was not reserved for the Smithsonian - that is where the Forrestal Building was built in the 1960s (