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WHEREAS; The Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution have learned of the gift of $40,000 to the endowment of the Institution by the Honorable Dwight W. Morrow, Regent; and

WHEREAS; This is additional to the former gift of $10,000 by Mr. Morrow to the expense account of the endowment fund; therefore

RESOLVED; That the Board express their thanks to their colleague, not only for his generosity in making this large contribution but even more for his invaluable counsel and service in promoting the welfare of the Institution; and direct the Secretary to communicate this resolution to him.


Mr. Delano, as Chairman of the Committee, presented the following:-

To the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution:

Since the last meeting of the Board, the Permanent Committee has considered and is ready to report upon the following matters:-

1. The Freer Deed of Gift, the Freer Will, and other papers and correspondence pertaining thereto, have been printed and already distributed to the Board of Regents. With this information thus gathered together in convenient form it will be possible, and probably desirable, to make a careful analysis of the various points to determine certain contradictions that exist between the Deed of Gift and the Will, and to try to arrive at a fair interpretation. Personally, I believe that it is most important that that interpretation shall be in harmony with the spirit of Mr. Freer's intentions, and in determining this it will undoubtedly be desirable to confer with the friends of Mr. Freer who are specifically mentioned in his Will. It is hoped before another meeting of the Board that some definite progress shall have been made in this direction.

2. In respect to the Research Corporation owning the Cottrell patents, to which some consideration was given at the last meeting, your Committee can only report that the matter is still in hand and progress is being made.

3. Certain amendment to the Fundamental Act of the Smithsonian Institution and the necessary authorizations, were reported upon at the last meeting of the Board. A bill, [[underlined]] S.2541 [[/underlined]], was introduced by Senator Smoot under date of
[[initialled]] CGA [[/initialled]]