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[[preprinted]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 750 [[/preprinted]] [[preprinted left margin]] MADE BY BAKER-VAWTER CO. [[/preprinted left margin]] the Secretary's statement, and required no further explanation. In reference to Par.3, Mr. Delano said that he had received a letter from Mr. Moore, stating that opposition was developing against S.Bill 2541, amending the Fundamental Act, and particularly against Sec.2 of the proposed amendment. After discussion, Senator Robinson submitted the following resolution, which was adopted:- RESOLVED; That the Board consider it expedient that action by Congress on S. Bill 2541 be postponed until after the inquiry relating to the interpretation of the terms of the Freer will, requested in a preceding resolution. Par. 7.- Bi-monthly meetings of the Board. No action was taken, the matter to be held in abeyance for the present. Par. 9. - The Morrow Gift. Mr. Delano added to what he had said in his report that a resolution of thanks had already been adopted by the Board. POLICY FOR THE FUTURE OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. The Secretary presented to the Board his declaration of policy, as follows:- "I Subscribe to Smithson's epitome of the purpose of his establishment - 'For the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men'. "I interpret 'increase' of knowledge as contemplating fundamental research. "I interpret 'knowledge' to mean all discovery regarding the universe and all it contains; and the word 'men' to mean all mankind. We must, however, keep our feet on the ground. We cannot attempt all knowledge at once, but must select certain lines for our attack. FACTORS DETERMINING POLCY [[underlined]] Firstly - Continuity of Fundamental Policy and Principles of the Institution [[/underlined]]. "There is no occasion to depart from a course which has been approved by eighty years of success. Hence, the Smithsonian will continue to contribute [[initialed]] CGA [[initialed]]