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the march of science, using the best agencies developed for the purpose. As heretofore, the Smithsonian will continue to answer from its best knowledge the thousands of requests for information received annually from correspondents all over the world. Closer cooperation with the public press and with radio broadcasting seems desirable. It will further involve the strong support of the Institution's great scientific library, the system of international exchanges, and the system of cataloguing and abstracting scientific literature.

[[underlined]] Seventhly - Research in Neglected Fields. [[/underlined]]

"The Smithsonian should promote to the limit of its ability, by the most suitable agencies, either within its organization or outside it, researches in neglected fields. Surveys of the scientific front should be made from time to time to expose the gaps of knowledge. There our means and work should go.

[[underlined]] Eighthly - Fundamental Importance of Policies of Cooperation and Relinquishment. [[/underlined]]

"The fruitful policies inaugurated by Secretary Joseph Henry of cooperating cordially with other agencies to promote the increase and diffusion of knowledge, and of relinquishing to other agencies fields which they are prepared to adequately work, should be faithfully maintained by the Smithsonian. To this end, special attention should be given to learning who are ably producing, and what they are producing, and to strengthening the already strong and long-standing cooperative relations of the Smithsonian with men and institutions all over the world."

Mr. Delano here requested Dr. Merriam to give his views on this subject, which he did, pointing out the fundamental principles of original scientific research work, the necessity for extending this, and the need of unrestricted income both from the Government and private individuals for carrying on this work. In this connection, Dr. Merriam submitted the following resolution which 

[[initialed]] CGA [[/initialed]]