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Page 14.

6. Magnitude of Unrestricted Funds Desirable

The Smithsonian Institution by its strategic national position, historic achievements, international and domestic standing, eminent governing body, public service, basic collections, able staff, supplied overhead, and operations in progress deserves a front rank opportunity for the increase and diffusion of knowledge.  Several American private research foundations enjoy unrestricted incomes exceeding $1,000,000 annually.  Considering other resources, provision for $500,000 additional unrestricted annual income for the Smithsonian would barely place it on a par with other great institutions, in freedom to undertake worthy projects.

Economy of effort demands that this matter be dealt with now, with a view to the future.  It is neither wise to draw public attention to it again and again, nor is it good management to divert the labors of research heads of the Institution from research to the arousing of public appreciation of the needs for further support.  Thus, while a gradual approach to the additional $500,000 of unrestricted annual income might otherwise be feasible, it is better to strike now while the iron is hot as a result of the publicity of the past two years.

Yet the question should be considered whether the proposed $500,000 will be adequate to the more distant future.  Of this it must be remarked that the field of research grows by every new discovery, and the need of research grows with every advance of population and civilization.  It is therefore to be presumed that fifty years hence far greater provision for the Smithsonian will be desirable.  However, there are several sources of income which will gradually become available.  Chief of these is the maturing of bequests subject to life interests.  The Institution is aware of a number of such bequests, and has reason to think their numbers and importance are growing.  On this ground it seems proper to list present objectives to the $500,000 above proposed.

7. Certain Illustrative Examples

(Selected from Physical Sciences.)

A. African solar radiation station. 3 years.

Support of going project for which present funds will be exhausted early in 1929.

[[3-column table]]
Transportation of observers and families to and from the field | $ 5,500 |
3 times actual field expenses of 1927 | 28,500 |
Photo plates and transportation same | 1,000 |
Unallotted | [[underline]]1,000[[/underline]] |
| $36,000 |

Average Expense per year | | $12,000
[[/3-column table]]