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Page 17.

[[3-column table]]
Brought Forward | | $130,400 
[[/3-column table]]

F. World Meteorology (Continued)

[[3-column table]]
Salary of head meteorologist | $ 6,000 |
2 clerk-computers at $2000 | 4,000 |
Average annual publication | 2,000 |
Grants to individuals, average annual | [[underlined]] 5,000[[/underlined]] |

Average Expense per year | | [[underlined]]17,000[[/underlined]]

Total | | $147,400
[[/3-column table]]

8. Proposed Budget for Expanded Program of Research

[[5-column table]]

Allotments to Physical Sciences, as Above | | | | $147,400
| | | |
Allotments to the Natural History Sciences: | | | |

| Anthropological: | | |
| | Studies of man in America | $27,500 |
| | Development of man | [[underlined]]10,000[[/underlined]] | 37,500

| Geological: | | |
| | Genesis of minerals | 7,000 |
| | Formation of soils through rockweathering | 5,000 |
| | Studies of fossil invertebrates | 7,000 |
| | Cambrian fossils | 5,000 |
| | Investigation of fossil vertebrates | [[underlined]]10,000[[/underlined]] | 34,000

| Zoological:
| | Investigations of marine life | 40,000 |
| | Physiology and anatomy of insects | 7,000 |
| | Systematic studies in zoology | 50,000 |
| | Botanical exploration | [[underlined]]10,000[[/underlined]] | 107,000

| Miscellaneous:
| | Prosectorium at National Zoological Park | | 7,500
| | Publication | | 50,000
| | | |
Administration: | | | |
| | Administrative Assistant | 6,000 |
| | Disbursing officer | 4,400 |
| | 2 clerks at $1860 | 3,720 |
| | Allotments for securing and keeping superior men | 20,000 |
| | Pensions (equal to Carnegie Allotments) | 40,000 |
| | Supplies | 2,000 |
| | Miscellaneous (including travel) | [[underlined]]5,000[[/underlined]] | 81,120

[[/5-column table]]

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