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[[preprinted]] Smithsonian Institution 822 [[/preprinted]] Among the technical monographs and smaller paper may be mentioned a final volume by the last Secretary Walcott in his series on Cambrian Geology and Paleontology - a volume upon which he had worked up until the time of his death and which was published posthumously; another of the series on insect morphology by R.E. Snodgrass, a series which will be of great value to the economic entomologists in their fight against harmful insect pests; and an interesting paper by F.E. Fowle on Atmospheric Ozone, in which he presents evidence that there may be two layers of ozone in the earth's atmosphere instead of only one as usually supposed. The National Museum published a monograph on Philippine fishes by Fowler and Bean, and another volume in the series of Life Histories of North American Birds, by A.C. Bent. The publications of the Bureau of American Ethnology, which are in great demand because of the widespread interest in the American Indian, included a large paper on Indian basketry by several authors, a volume on the Osage Tribe by Dr. LaFlesche, a full account of the exploration of Burton Mound at Santa Barbara, California, by J.P. Harrington; and a bulletin describing a Late Basket-Maker village site in the Chaco Canyon in New Mexico excavated by F. H. H. Roberts. On motion, the report was accepted. SPECIAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARY The Secretary said: "Many interesting and encouraging events have occurred here during the past year, to which I have referred on pages 1 and 2 of my Report for 1929, which is in your hands. [[signed]]C G Abbot[[/signed]]