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OFFICERS OF CONVENTION, 1925 President..................................MRS. FANNIE BRISCOE First Vice-President.......................MRS. BESSIE G. BOSTON Second Vice-President......................MRS. MINNIE L. McEADY Recording Secretary........................MRS. MAMIE M. PINDER Assistant Recording Secretary..............MRS. MARY J. HENRY Corresponding Secretary....................MRS. CLARA E. HARRIS Treasurer..................................MRS. EMMA V. FORD Chairman of Junior Work....................MRS. MARY F. THOMPSON Chairman of Temperance.....................MRS. ELNORA HAMMOND Chairman of Special Fund...................MRS. FANNIE SIMMS Secretary of Contingent Committee..........MRS. FANNIE SIMMS Chairman of Prayer and Praise..............MRS. DORA C. MURRAY Assistant Chairman Prayer and Praise.......MRS. ARDELIA BAKER Chairman of Quadrennial Assessment.........MRS. C. PENDLETON Chairman of Student Fund...................MRS. LILLIAN JOHNSON Chairman Sara A. Tanner Memorial Fund......MRS D. MURRAY Chairman Mother's Meetings.................MRS. ANNIE E. SEWELL Assistants to Mother's Meetings............MRS. ARDELIA BAKER, MRS. ANNIE E. NELSON, MRS. L. A. JORDAN, MRS. DELLA GREEN, MRS. MARY PROCTOR [[line]] CHAIRMAN OF ART TABLE--Mrs. C. B. Davis ASSISTANTS TO ART TABLE--Mrs. Edris Morley, Mrs. Violet Manokoo, Mrs. Martha Sawyer, Mrs. Lillie Comegys. Address--President.........................Mrs. Fannie Briscoe, 1342 N. Calhoun Street, Baltimore, Md. Address--Corresponding Secretary...........Mrs. Calra Harris, 934 N. Stricker Street, Baltimore, Md. [[line]] EXECUTIVE BOARD Mrs. Fannie N. Briscoe, Chairman Mrs. E. L. Stepteau Mrs. Eliza Addison Mrs. Martha Thompson Mrs. Margaret Stewart Mrs. Eva Barnum Mrs. Emma V. Ford Mrs. Clara Harris Mrs. M. M. Pinder, Sec'y Mrs. Mary E. Arnold (Honorary Member).