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Deaconess Board

[[image - black & white photograph of the Deaconess Board]]
[[caption]] Mrs. Zipporah J. Smith, Chairman of the Board; Mrs. Lizzie Fields, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Florence G. Robinson, Financial Secretary; Mrs. Queen Gray, Treasurer; Mrs. Annie Myers, Sick Chairman; Miss Richetta Price, Chaplain [[/caption]]

East End Auxiliary

[[image - black & white photograph of the East End Auxiliary]]
[[caption]] Mrs. Daisy J. Gilliam, Pres.; Mrs. Eleanor McPleasants, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. Constance J. Williams, Rec. Sec'y; Mrs. Theresa Capers, Cor. Sec'y;  Mrs. Maude Tharps, Fin. Sec'y;  Mrs. Estelle Hamilton, Treas.;  Mrs. Sallie Jones, Chaplain; Mrs. Roberta J. Charity, Chorister;  Mrs. Julia Thompson, Pianist; Mrs. Mattie Randolph, Mrs. Eudora Robinson and Mrs. Theresa Capers, Auditors; Miss Magnolia Jones, Chairman of Finance, Mrs. Mattie Randolph, Chairman of Sick Committee. [[/caption]]