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W. J. Johnson Memorial Choir

[[image - black & white photograph of the W. J. Johnson Memorial Choir]]
[[caption]] Mr. Walter W. Parker, Organist-director; Miss Gwendolyn G. Granderson, Pianist; Miss Mary Louise Perkins, President; Mrs. Nannie E. Cousins, Vice- President; Mrs. Hilda J. Bagby, Business Manager; Miss Chrlotte A. Wynn, Secretary; Mr. Edward T. Parker, Treasurer; Mr. David J. Fitzgerald, Jr., Chaplain. [[/caption]]

Youth Choir

[[image - black & white photograph of the Youth Choir]]
[[caption]] Mrs. Julia F. Thompson, Organist-director; Miss Rose Smith, President; Miss Maxine Thornton, Vice-President; Miss Joyce Taylor, Secretary; Miss Rosa Hopkins, Assistant Secretary; Miss Beverly Taylor, Treasurer; Miss Rita Thomas, Chaplain. [[/caption]]