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Patrons Mrs. Evelyn Seay Mr. I. J. Siegel Mrs. Verna W. Stevens Mrs. Alice G. Smith Mr. Russell Spain Mr. James Savage Mrs. Adele Staten Mr. Moses D. Stone Mrs. Nannie B. Saxon Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Southall Mrs. Mary Y. Scott Thompson Service Station Deacon and Mrs. Fred Tharps Dr. Bessie B. Tharps Mrs. Maylon B. Taylor Mrs. Julia F. Thompson Mrs. Mary J. Thompson Mrs. Grace Thompson Mrs. Jennie B. Taylor Mrs. Sarah Townsend Mr. Charlie Taylor Dea. Richard Thompson Mr. James A. Taylor Mrs. Berthenia Taylor Mrs. Thelma J. Taylor Mrs. Dorothy V. Turner Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Townes, Sr. Mrs. R. G. Thornton Miss Elaine Vaughan Miss Lois Vaughan Veterans Driving School Rev. and Mrs. Y. B. Williams Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wright, Jr. Miss Elizabeth Waddy Mrs. Constance Williams Mr. and Mrs. Reese Williams Mrs. Bertha Wade Mr. and Mrs. Lunetta B. White Mrs. Naomi W. Woodson Mrs. Gertrude Williams Mrs. Mary L. Woodson Mr. Alvin E. White Mrs. Vivian L. Wilson Mrs. Mary R. Wright Mrs. Vivian T. Wynn Mrs. Mary Wynn Dr. D. B. Williams Mrs. Selena White Miss Addie May Wyatt Mrs. Mary Williams Mr. Edward Williams Mrs. Beulah T. Winston Mr. Joseph White Mrs. Dorothea H. Winfree Mr. and Mrs. Carroll H. Wright, Sr. Mrs. Edith W. Williams Mrs. Lois B. Wilkins Mrs. Ivory L. Wilder Mr. James H. Zeigler Brooks, Howard Funeral Home, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Brown Mrs. Fannie M. Brooks Dr. M. M. Lewis Mrs. Mabel Nelson Mrs. Lynette B. Guilford Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Nixon Mrs. Janie Q. Binford [[line]] Brief History (Continued from page 4) two Virginia Transit Busses and many cars to journey to our new church home. On arrival to the newly decorated church a capacity audience awaited us. The three choirs led the line of march into the sanctuary, followed by Rev. Y. B. Williams, Pastor and Mrs. Rebekah J. Calloway, the presiding mistress, the deacons, the trustees, the deaconesses and other officers of the church and organizations. Rev. Williams' message was found in Genesis 28 chapter 16:17 "And Jacob awakened out of his sleep, and he said, surely the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not. And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven." Theme: "Finding God in new relationship." Church organizations made gifts to the church and climaxed the day with a report of $1,700.00. A modern Oil Heating System is now being installed. It is with a great deal of delight that we announce the opening of a Day Nursery as of September, 1956 in our church. New Bible Class In The Church School The Rev. James H. Holmes Memorial Bible Class was organized Sunday, June 10, 1956 in our new church. Mr. John Cephas is the teacher. He solicited 30 or more men for this particular class. Among those present were: Messrs. Clinton Macon, Richard James, Clarence H. Fields, Deacon Carroll W. Anderson, Douglass Mitchell, David Jones Fitzgerald. On Sunday June 17, 1956 a group of officers and members from the Westminster Baptist Church formerly known as the Barton Heights Baptist Church, including its pastor, Dr. Clyde V. Hickerson and his wife worshipped with us. They presented a beautiful Bronze Plaque bearing the inscription of the final transaction 12-22-55 and the date of their departure May 19, 1956. Truly, we can say this church has a wonderful history and today, November 4, 1956 we celebrate the 115th Anniversary of the church and the 8th of its pastor, Rev. Y. B. Williams "O, Give Thanks Unto the Lord; For He is Good." [[line]] Ded. Salute (Continued from page 7) that we labor, for our dreams are always just beyond our achievement. We know that the victory is never won, and the work is never done, until we have exhausted ourselves and the possibilities which opportunity has set before us. This means that creativity and growth are obvious requirements of our positions and profession, if the kingdom of God is to become a reality in and through us. We are most grateful to the many members and friends of our church who have shared so generously of their time, moral support and financial assistance in making this moment possible. We have come today to dedicate this House to God, and to rededicate our talents, our powers, and our hearts to the unfinished task of making ours a better and happier world in which to live, and the final bringing in of the Kingdom of God. "For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting." Titus 1:5. 41