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Two equal stars.
Let K lines be unequal, and let values of dl be a, b
dm be a^[[1]], b^[[1]]
Stars separate
% of total background of A cut off = a
% of total background of B cut off = b
When lines separated we have per % drop 
a/A+B and b/A+B
When lines together we have
[[strikethrough]] a + b/A + B [[/strikethrough]] a/A + b/B
Suppose A = B we have
a/2A, [[strikethrough]]+[[/strikethrough]] b/2A and a/A + b/A
% or light loss should be twice as great at single line

at separation, loss = 0^[[m]].25  0^[[m]].23
=21% =19%
at single, loss = 0^[[m]].52 = 38%

The max. value of al should only occur exactly at maximum and its duration should measure the intrinsic width of the line
Suppose A ≠ B we have
[[strikethrough]] a + b/A + B = x [[/strikethrough]]  [[strikethrough]] a/A + b/B = (?) [[/strikethrough]] a/A

a/A + B = x   b/A + B = y   a/A + b/B = z   whence A

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-11-14 14:22:55