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- Least flycatcher 1 70 - Black throated Blue Warbler 1 - Black Duck 2 - Olive backed Thrush 3 - Solitary Sandpiper 1 - Ruby crowned Kinglet 1 - Magnolia Warbler 1 - Solitary Vireo 2 - Coopers Hawk 1 - Kingbird 3 - Cliff Swallow 1 80 - Bank Swallow 2 - Fish Crow 2 - Kingfisher 1 - Yellow Warbler 3 - Yellow throated Vireo 1 [[end page]] [[start page]] [[strikethrough]]Dendroica tricolor ♂ 10:30 109.6.[[/strikethrough]] tongue dull yellowish flesh color unmarked Dendroica virens [strikethrough]] 107.7,108.0,108.2,108.5 [[/strikethrough]] 12:30 p. Pine Siskin [[strikethrough]] 108.6 [[/strikethrough]] 12:45 P. [[strikethough by single vertical line]] [[? Sciuroptinis v. volinus ?]] ♀ act [[strikethrough]] 100.3 1:00 P. [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] ♂ in 101.0 1:00 P. [[/strikethrough]] Dendroica pensylvanica ♂ act [[strikethrough]] 107.8 [[/strikethrough]] 8 P. Dendroica caerulescens ♂ [[strikethrough]] 107.8 [[/strikethrough]] 3 P. Thryothorus ludovicianus im 108.2 3:15 Hylocichla fuscescens 109.4 [[/strikethough by single vertical line]]
Transcription Notes:
numbers in original expressed as tally. 2 pages oriented bottom to top. Bird genus/species verified in Nat Geo. BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA.