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San Antonia, Six 5/18/18 Mockingbird Clay colored Sparrow English " Gray-tailed cardinal Wn hark Sparrow Carsin Sparrow Milano Tucus 5/19/18 Binrak Wren Red-headed Woodpecker Blujay Lark Sparrow Mockingbird English Sparrow Gnat-crested Flycatcher Mourning Dove Yellow billed Cuckoo Small bottle 1 playll San Ant. rest Milano Giles Tx. migilla & 2 Countries Pueblo Colo, May 20, 1918 - Yellow warbler - Wn meadowlark - Thick billed Redwing - Wn Mourning Dove - Bronzed Grackle - Wn Kingbird - Wn Wood Parve - Wn Robin - House Finch - English Sparrow - Catbird - Red-headed Woodpecker - Black-headed Grosbrax - Spotted Sandpiper - Killdeer - Wn Lark Sparrow - Wn House Wren - Bullocks Oriole - Pink-sided Juneo - Wn Sparrow Hawk - Magpie - Brown Thrasher - Eastern Kingbird - Long-tailed Chat Seabird Quail chuk chu chuk chu or but chu Prleolated Warbler last note quarulus quail like whole given with head nodding and much mooting of throat from hybrids?