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Glennville Calif. 7/30/18 Rabbits 1111 Quail 10-6-25 heat of day in gulches in roses etc [[checkmark]] ants attendant on Membracids [[checkmark]] uropygial gland in Lophortyx A.E. Gray c/o Co. Horticultural Comm. Redding, Calif [[Wheat?]] Killed Quail. In foot of woodpecker, 4th outer toe has been greatly developed and turned back so that it has tended to supersede 1st toe in function. This toe when bird is climbing or holding does not point straight back but is usually thrown out at one side frequently at an angle of 45°. This gives greater stability & purchase to bird. At same time it lessens function & use of first toe so that this often does not touch surface or does not grasp. [[insertion]] 1st toe is also reduced in size to be finally lost in Tiga and Picoides [[/insertion]] Though 4th toe always points back it may [[in push?]] bird be twisted to level of two anterior toes. Sign of anisodactyl origin of zygodactyl foot. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[checkmark]] Calif Quail [[checkmark]] Mourning Dove [[checkmark]] Calif Woodpecker [[symbol for female]] [[strikethrough]] 1075 [[/strikethrough]] 5:00 p. [[strikethrough]] Swainsons Hawk [[/strikethrough]] [[checkmark]] Hummer [[checkmark]] Black Phoebe [[checkmark]] Ash-throated Flycatcher [[checkmark]] Wn wood Pewee [[checkmark]] Meadowlark [[checkmark]] Calif Jay. [[checkmark]] House Finch [[checkmark]] English sparrow [[checkmark]] Wn goldfinch [[checkmark]] Chipping Sparrow [[checkmark]] Brown Towhee [[symbol for female]] [[strikethrough]] 107.8 [[/strikethrough]] 4:00 P. [[checkmark]] Cliff Swallow [[checkmark]] Cassin's Vireo [[checkmark]] Yellow Warbler [[checkmark]] Wn Bluebird [[checkmark]] Titmouse [[checkmark]] Slender-billed Nuthatch [[checkmark]] Wn gnatcatcher [[checkmark]] Lark sparrow [[checkmark]] Wn Tanager Peromyscus [[strikethrough]] [[symbol for male]] 3:00 P. 98.4 [[/strikethrough]] Hairy woodpecker [[strikethrough]] [[symbol for male]] 4:30 P. 108.0 [[/strikethrough]] [[checkmark]] Crow
Transcription Notes:
The [[insertion]] on the first page is actually a note written on the second page, with an arrow pointing to where it refers to. I hope that it's transcribed okay! -@mnathan