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Small number of ducks of local hatching beginning [[damage?]] now. Birds in flight will begin to arrive late this month. Damage at this time only nominal 
Pacific Rice Growers Association

Rice growers Assn at Sacti say small numbers of ducks of local hatching [[underlined]] are [[/underlined]] doing nominal damage at present. Migrant ducks will arrive late this month. Unless otherwise directed shall continue work on quail at present. Forward Four hundred auxiliary shells at once

Wm Bowen
Arch. alexandri. [[male symbol]] ad.
oil gland pres. [[nudi?]] nipple elongate cylindrical left carotid only present enters canal at center of neck wing intact no cause

Baeolophus. oil gland pres. [[nudi?]], [[male symbol]]
patagial tendons passive? left carotid only present this entering median canal. wing [[cut axis?]] length int 1 2/3 page. caeca to anus |________| caec |___|

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[Glenville?]] [[?]]/2/18
Calif Towhee [[male symbol]] 9:15 A. [[strikethrough]] 109.6 [[/strikethrough]]
Archilochus alexandri [[male symbol]] 10:15 [[strikethrough]] 102.7 flying [[/strikethrough]] 4:45 P. [[strikethrough]] [[female symbol]] 104.3 [[male symbol]] 102.8 [[/strikethrough]]
Calif Jay [[male symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 10:45 A 107.3 [[/strikethrough]]
Baeolophus inornatus 11:00 A [[strikethrough]] [[male symbol]] 107.7 [[/strikethrough]] 5:00 P. [[strikethrough]] [[male symbol]] [[?]].0 [[/strikethrough]]
Sphyrapicus ruber [[strikethrough]] 11:45 A [[male symbol]] 107.0 [[/strikethrough]]
[[Entarmas?]] [[strikethrough]] 5:15 P. [[male symbol]] 103.2 [[/stikethrough]]

Sp. ruber [[male symbol]]
oil gland with long [[left?]]
[[?]] tendons [[?]]
left carotid [[?]] present. This entering median canal
Length of gut twice [[page?]] no [[?]]
[[71?]] [[?]] [[male symbol]]
2 [[?]] [[male symbol]]
3 Baeolophus [[male symbol]]
[[11?]] Archilochus [[male symbol]]