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Glenville 8/7/18
Baeolophus inornatus 9:00a
Lophortyx c. vallicota [[?]] ♂ 10:30a
Myiarchus cinerascens 11:45
Citillus buchey, 12:15p 5:30p
Dryobates nuttallii ♂, 08:00
Sylvilagus audubonii ♀ 8:30p

H.L. Clark
Forester Ranger Glenville, Calif.
C.W. Rudler
F.H. Dean

Racliff Sales Co
146 Davis
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
4220 Lophortyx ♀.                pin # 1.
4221     "     "                  "  # 8
4222     "     ♂                  "  # 9
4223     "     "                  "  # 4
4224     "     "                  "  # 5
4225     "     "                  "  # 6
4226     "     "                  "  # 7
4227 Pintail ♀                    "  # 10

#4  60 grams barley      2:00 p   √ 
#5  "    "   wheat       "        √  √
#6  70   "   barley      "        √  √
#7  70   "   wheat       "        √  √
#8  40 wheat 40 barley   "        √  √  
#10 80 barley            "        √  √

3.30 p.m
#10 O.K  grain untouched          √  √
#5 grain untouched   Bird O.K     √  √
#8 somewhat taken     "    "      √  √
#4 grain untouched    "    "      √  √
#9 some grain eaten   "    "      √  √
#6 some grain eaten   "    "      √  √
#7 some grain eaten   "    "      √  √
#10                        "

6.00 p.m.
#10 grain scattered 80 more grains fed √
#4 grain untouched  bird O.K.          √
#9 some eaten         "   "            √
#6   "    "           "   "            √
#7 grain untouched    "   "            √
#5       "            "   "            √
#8       "                             √
Control O.K