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Maxerll 9/6/18 Horned Lark 20,24,26 Snowy Heron Carf [[??]] Sark[[??]] 3 1/2 doz. [[??]] rec'd from Flack in Ur[[??]] 1 doz given to Harden L. Chang Company have 520 acres Last year necessary to herd birds and at night [??]] week. After that, no trouble. No lakes in around mowwing. Say that situation is different when there are sloughs and proposition is harder to handle. A. F. Runssian willows says that birds come in at night when it is difficult to herd them. Mr. Baird Princeton Rice Co says ducks have vanished 1 acre of heave rice around pond. Birds not working on him so heavily now. Am to visit him at ten tomorrow. Looked at Sue Haro in D'Egilbert. Same Blackbird work. Mr. Ben Garland Says there is nothing new. Cooper Club Sept 19, 1918 Notes on the Birds Found at Lake Burford, North