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VOTED that, in accordance with Section 1.02 of the Bylaws, the Board of Regents hereby amends its Bylaws to include a new Section 2.08, to wit:

The Board of Regents may, by resolution, confer the title of Regent Emeritus on former Regents who accept responsibilities for continuing activities in the interests of the Smithsonian Institution.

[[underlined]] Designation of Dr. Haskins as Regent Emeritus [[/underlined]]

Dr. Haskins' great service as a Regent was cited and the Regents observed that his interest in the Smithsonian affairs would continue.  Dr. Haskins had indicated his eagerness to continue working with the Institution, particularly at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and the Department of Entomology in the National Museum of Natural History.  The Regents approved the following motion:

VOTED that, in accordance with Section 2.08 of the Bylaws, the Board of Regents confers on Dr. Caryl Parker Haskins the title of Regent Emeritus, with all the rights and responsibilities thereof.

[[underlined]] Financial Report [[/underlined]] 

[[underlined]] FY1980: [[/underlined]] The Regents were informed of recent actions by Congress and OMB on the Institution's requests for pay and program supplementals which have reduced by over $2,200,000 the funds available to the Institution.  This shortfall will be met by savings realized from continuation of the OMB hiring limitation and reductions in non-salary expenses.  Unrestricted General Trust Funds are now projected to provide a net gain of $23,000, compared to an original break-even budget and a May projection of a $73,000 deficit.  Gains by the Magazine and Mail Order Division are expected largely to offset lower estimates in other activities.  By insuring future year support of NASM programs, an increase in NASM Theatre and Spacearium ticket prices to be instituted in October 1981, has freed up for immediate transfer to the Lindbergh Chair of Aerospace History Endowment an existing fund of approximately $650,000, raising the Lindbergh Chair Endowment to $1,000,000;  the Regents passed the following motion:

VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the transfer of $650,000 from trust funds of the National Air and Space Museum into the Lindbergh Chair of Aerospace History Endowment Fund.