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[[underlined]] Regents Dinner (Sunday, September 21) [[/underlined]]

Host to the Regents for a black-tie dinner at the Supreme Court in honor of Dr. Haskins, the Chancellor presented the Henry Medal along with a citation which read:

The Board of Regents and the Secretary
of the Smithsonian Institution
present to 

in recognition of his invaluable contributions to the Smithsonian Institution over twenty-four years as a Regent and Member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents. Scientist, author, and educator, his own rare qualities of wisdom, sensitivity and common sense derived from lifelong studies of human and formican behavior. His services to the Institution, like his affiliations with other scholarly and educational institutions, comprise a litany of academic service. The Board of Regents and the Secretary unanimously record their deep appreciation to this extraordinary man "Whose heart has followed all his days something he cannot name" and respectfully suggest that perhaps its name is "Excellence."

In accordance with the Regents' resolution on May 5, 1980, the Secretary presented the Hodgkins Medal and Prize to Dr. Jacchia, together with the following citation:


Pioneering in research on the response of the atmosphere to solar radiation, Luigi Giuseppe Jacchia has made a number of discoveries of fundamental importance to science. As a major contributor to the International Geophysical Year, he brought recognition to his country and helped move the world into the space age. Dr. Jacchia's work has resulted in definitive knowledge of the earth's upper atmosphere and its impact on the welfare of man. 

In full recognition of your invaluable contributions, the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution have conferred on you the Hodgkins Medal. 

[[underlined]] Next Meetings [[/underlined]]

Executive Committee - Jaunary 5, 1981, 12 Noon
Regents Dinner - January 25, 1981
Regents Meeting - January 26, 1981, 9:30 a.m.