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VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the Minutes of the Meeting of May 5, 1980, as previously circulated on May 28, 1980.

[[underlined]]Report of the Executive Committee[[/underlined]]

Mr. Webb reviewed the report of the Executive Committee, which had met at 12:30 p.m. on August 19, 1980, in the Regents Room of the Smithsonian Institution Building.  Present were:

Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, Chancellor
James E. Webb, Chairman
Caryl P. Haskins
John Paul Austin
Anne L. Armstrong
Carlisle H. Humelsine
Senator Henry M. Jackson
S. Dillon Ripley, Secretary

Because of the importance of reviewing budget materials before their submission to the Office of Management and Budget, all Regents were invited to join the Executive Committee in this meeting.

Also present were:  Under Secretary Phillip S. Hughes; Assistant Secretaries John F. Jameson, Charles Blitzer, and David Challinor; Treasurer Christian C. Hohenlohe; Executive Assistant to the Secretary James M. Hobbins; Administrative Assistant to the Chief Justice Mark W. Cannon; and Consultant to the Board of Regents Hermann P. Bretsch.

The Executive Committee reviewed the agenda papers for the September 22, 1980 meeting of the Board of Regents, and the comments and recommendations of the Committee were incorporated into them.  In addition to reviewing the budget papers for fiscal years 1980-1982, the Committee received a report from the Treasurer that two bank accounts had been opened in the last six months for specific purposes, as authorized.

The Executive Committee considered the merits of proposals made to change the name of the National Collection of Fine Arts to the National